Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Baking and Stalking, as you do!

No! not Baking for my stalkees!
My youngest daughter has her 5th birthday tomorrow, along with her great nan's 92nd birthday! so we have all been a cup cake a making! 5 (genuine kids) and an overgrown kid (ie Other Half!) and I, knocked up some cupcakes for the class tomorrow. nowt too exciting but trust me, hectic enough! As for me! Today I have mostly been stalking blogs and adding them to my list, I am in awe! each one has taken away my hours, looking agasp and enjoying!


Anonymous said...

mmmmm yummy yummy ...your cakes look fab!! xx jo xx

Gone to Earth said...

Love cupcakes! I just read your 'about' bit on your blog page. Have you tried wire knitting/crochet yet? I've been making/ knitting beaded bracelets. They're fun but there's definately a technique to it. (Isn't there to everything.... Happpy birthday to grandma - wow 92! That needs celebrating and 5 well.... what's to say. Everything stands before her.....

Bizz said...

Thank you both x x

The cakes where good fun :) we did get in a right state! they tasted quite nice too, a few went missing before they reached the school!

I have yet to try my wire, but am getting the hang of the crocheting now, so Looking forward to trying my wire!

saraeden said...

Those cupcakes look great . Thanks so much for visiting my blog !!

Sara x